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How Much Is Gap Insurance?
GAP Insurance (Guaranteed Asset Protection) covers the difference between what your standard car insurance pays and what you still owe on your loan if your vehicle is stolen or totaled in an accident. This optional add-on insurance coverage is crucial for financed or leased vehicles. So, of course, if you don’t have it in the event of theft or total loss, you might have to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket to settle your car loan. But how much does GAP coverage actually cost?
What Is Gap Insurance?
So, what is gap insurance coverage? When you buy a car with a loan, the value of it drops quickly over time. And unfortunately, if an accident totals it, standard auto insurance covers only its actual cash value (ACV). But what if you owe more? That’s where gap coverage helps. For example, you owe $30,000, but your full coverage auto insurance pays you $26,000 after depreciation. Gap insurance covers the $4,000 difference.
When Does Gap Insurance Not Pay?
Gap insurance (short for Guaranteed Asset Protection Insurance) helps cover the difference between what you owe on a car loan and the vehicle’s actual cash value if it’s totaled or stolen. However, many drivers have numerous questions about this policy, one of the most common being the circumstances under which gap insurance does not pay or provide coverage. It doesn’t pay for partial damage, a lapsed policy, or if you have missed payments. It also won’t cover negative equity from a previous loan, fraud, intentional damage, or damages caused by activities like ride-sharing.